Everything You Need To Know About SEF Scholarships

What is SEF Scholarship

The SEF scholarship was established to provide funding and mentoring support to brilliant, self-motivated youths from economic, social and financially challenging areas in Cameroon, in their quest to pursue graduate education in the United States of America or Canada

How can I apply

You can apply by clicking the APPLY HERE icon on the website and following the instructions to complete the application information

What are the scholarship requirements

Citizens of Cameroon with a Bachelors degree from Cameroonian University

I don’t have degree in STEM fields can I still apply

Yes, you can apply

I have a M.S degree can I apply

Yes, you can apply

How are successful applicants selected

All applications will be reviewed by an experienced team of panelist and thereafter successful applicants will be notified

How are successful applicants notified

Successful applicants/winners will be notified by email in addition to their names published on the SEFS website

What is the deadline for the scholarship application

Details regarding the scholarship deadline are published in the website

If I don’t get selected for this application cycle, can I re-apply

Yes, you can

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